Sikkim Football Association
Governing the football scene in Sikkim with passion and dedication for excellence.

Our Footprint in Indian Football
An Insight into our footprint in Indian Football

Registered Referees
Licensed Coaches
Registered Players
Registered Clubs
National Football Championship Title
Football Governing Body
SFA is the governing body of football in Sikkim, overseeing all football-related activities.
Competitions Management Team
Dedicated team managing all competitions and ensuring fair play and sportsmanship.
Expert Coaches
Professional coaches providing top-notch training and guidance to players of all levels.
Qualified Refereeing Teams
Experienced Referee Panel

Build your own dreams
Or someone else will hire you to build theirs. Here is how you can take action – starting today.
Contact Us
Get in touch with Sikkim Football Association for any inquiries or feedback regarding football in Sikkim.
Administration: +91 7908150538
Technical: +91 9382664755